HIV and Sexual HealthIn the 30 years since the start of the global HIV pandemic, significant medical advances have been achieved, such that HIV is now a chronic
Female Genital Mutilation- harm or benefit?Otherwise known as FGM, it is a violation of human rights to women and young girls all over the world. It is being practised in 27 African c
Diabetes Study UpdateThis is a condition that is very prevalent amongst the African and Caribbean community but now there is new research into Type 1 Diabetes. I
Zika virus updateSince the World Health Organisation has declared this virus out break a state of public health emergency, it has been spreading from Brazil
UK Govt funds 1 Billion pounds for Mental healthThe prime minister has promised an investment of a billion pounds which will increase the mental health services across the country.
Multiple Myeloma- killing our communityAs September draws to an end, so does national blood cancer awareness month. However with someone being diagnosed with a blood cancer every
Zika virus might spread to Europe sooner says World Health.WHO: Zika virus might be in Europe this summer. The areas most at risk are those where Aedes mosquitoes may spread the virus, like the Blac