AHPN at Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe Conference, Cologne, GermanyOn the 29th September 2016 the African Health Policy Network (AHPN) was invited to attend an Conference on African communities and HIV in Ge
DiabetesDiabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus, inhibits the body’s ability to manage blood sugar levels. A serious long term health condition, i
TuberculosisTuberculosis is a bacterial disease, it is contagious and is spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Although it usually affects t
CancerCancer is an illness caused by an abnormal growth of cells in the body. In the UK, someone is diagnosed with cancer every two minutes, and t
Mental HealthMental ill health is the largest single cause of disability in the UK, contributing almost 23% of the overall burden of disease. The most co
StrokeA stroke happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off. Every year over 150,000 people have a stroke and it is the third la
HIV and Sexual HealthIn the 30 years since the start of the global HIV pandemic, significant medical advances have been achieved, such that HIV is now a chronic
Multiple Myeloma- killing our communityAs September draws to an end, so does national blood cancer awareness month. However with someone being diagnosed with a blood cancer every